Wednesday, March 19, 2008

My life as a digital signal

Do not take lightly your digital identity.  It will become one of the most important thing you can do.

I recently started networking on LinkedIn (  I will not make this an in-between thing.  A realization hit me while attending a conference in Las Vegas March 9-14.  The conference was Exhibitor 2008.  There was a speaker who was a sharp older gentleman.  He was talking about Second Life and his character.  He was talking about how virtual meetings and Web 3.0 will be.  I started realizing that my digital identity was 0.  In fact, I don't even exist, because people cannot google me.  I was among the digital dead.  I immediately set out about to fix this issue, a big one in my book.  I've always been out in front or at least I think I was on the cutting edge of technology.

Here are 10 things I have done so far:
1.  I setup a photoshoot to get professional headshots.
2.  I signed up for myspace and revitalized my LinkedIn (still no Facebook).
3.  Got my name url (
4.  Started working on my website.
5.  Started posting questions and answers on LinkedIn.
6.  Started blogging (here!) and will copy posts to website once up.
7.  Updated my resume and posted it to several sites.
8.  Put in all my posts links and keywords I want associated with me.  You can get your results to show up higher if you use words people commonly look for or high ppc words.  (Find on google ad words)
9.  Signed up on Spokeo.  (Not done Twitter yet.)
10. Started managing my name daily (then weekly, then monthly) on google, yahoo, metacrawler, and msn.  Just type in your name.  Type in your name and some key words.

In a week I moved on the the 3rd position on the LinkedIn list of names from the near bottom.  I have not been sighted with any posts or any other links.  The LinkedIn result comes up #3 on the list for Google.

Scott Chapman
-Entrepreneur, turnaround leader, and deal maker

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